martes, 26 de marzo de 2013

The Sarcastic Gospel

Dear Christian,
             You’re so right! You should totally keep holding onto your hurts and bitterness. Don't forgive those people who have hurt you. The best way to make them pay for the evil they have done to you is to keep them under unforgiveness, condemnation, and shame. Also, tell everyone you meet about how evil they are and how you’re praying for them. Tell them that God will change them because, boy, right now you’re just concerned about them and their relationship with God.
            God totally forgives you and doesn't keep a record of your wrongs, but you have a right to hold onto your sins and others’. Every time that person tries to be nice to you, just throw back his old sins against you in his face! Build high walls around yourself to protect yourself just like Christ did. That will help them see the Christ in you and also lead them to want a relationship with God--because your life is so transformed.
           Tell people you love them, but as soon as they sin against you, let them have it. God loves you unconditionally, but that would just be dumb to treat others in the same way. Love yourself and others conditionally.
           Jesus died on the cross, because he thinks you are worth his blood. But you should keep on finding your value in what others say, your job, what clothes you wear, your looks, popularity and feelings--since those things are way more important than what God says about you. He only created you. Don't live by faith in God. Trust in your feelings and in what others say about you. Also, put your trust in your experiences. Let your past define who you are, and don't let God your father speak into your life and pull the best out of you. Be careful, because he sees the best in you at all times, and you’re extremely valuable to him. But what does he know? I mean, he just created everything. That's not a big deal.
          God loves you perfectly, but don't receive that love. Just memorize the bible verses that talk about love. That way, you can quote them without letting them ever affect your heart.
          Christ took away the sins of the world. But your sins are special ones, and they are BIG. You probably should still live under the roof of shame, guilt and condemnation for the rest of your life. And as for all of your interactions with others—well, just put that roof over them too—whether they like it or not. On the cross Jesus said, “It is finished.” But all your problems are the exception to what he said.
          Life is about you getting everything you want and smooth sailing—not about you being love. Eww—just the thought of you being kind to people is disturbing and sick. The world doesn't need more of that. Don't take the words of God personally. They apply to everyone but you. Never let the way God treats you flow through you onto others. They might get the wrong idea that you truly care for them. In reality, you’re only being nice because you like the feeling you get from helping others or because you have a hidden agenda. Keep it up!
          Jesus died on the cross so that you could stay selfish. I know the whole world revolves around you. And any people who think otherwise....well, they’re the problem. I totally understand that you have nothing to be thankful for.
Let me encourage you in this:
          At all times be impatient, unkind, jealous, conceited, rude, self-seeking, quick to take offense, keeping record of wrongs, liking when people get what they deserve, seeing the worst in others and never the best, quick to expose faults, criticizing, condemning, complaining, not trusting, pessimistic; and last but not least—always give up on others.
Being/doing one or all of these things will give you a higher quality of life.
God is love, but you stay selfish.
Your Church Brother and
Your Fellow Pew-sitter

         I write this feeling light-hearted, yet at the same time sad because of how so many people say they follow Christ but look nothing like him. Don't hear what I am saying through an ear of condemnation. I'm not saying they’re Christians or they’re not. What I am saying is that Christians spend time with Christ. Don't get caught up in knowing doctrines without knowing him. Don’t get caught up in having more information or being right or trying to follow all the rules and laws or doing the right thing just because it’s the right thing to do. The measuring stick for knowing God is this: How much of you is love?
“..[A]nd you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your mind, and with all your strength. The second is this, ‘You shall love your neighbor as yourself.’ There is no other commandment greater than these.”
= Be love.
God is love, and you’re made in his image. Receive his love, and let it transform who you are. Then go…be love.
Breck Boyd

domingo, 6 de enero de 2013

Fate, it’s time for you to be revealed to my eyes. I await that point where the stars align and time seems to stop - where nothing is moving except the beat of my heart - completely frozen but completely alive. Single-eyed, everything has become crystal clear. What I thought was far off is near. I’m walking away from fear and into a land of love. Fear is a thing of the
past - just a thought that tries to creep in. It’s like I can almost remember what it was like but can’t quite put my finger on it. It’s like the air surrounding me turned into love, and I can’t help but to breathe it in with every breath. It’s what gives me life, a smile and a laugh. It’s what compels me, gives me vision and purpose. It’s my food and drink.
Love, you have overtaken my heart, and you’re becoming my flesh and bone. If I get cut, I will bleed you. You put the fire in my work and make me explode with joy like a grand finale. You have given me more freedom than any 4th of July. As I march around in this world like a man who just won a war, your banner over me is love. I am love drunk with you. I’m a “love-oholic”, and I’m not going to recover. I’m just going to get worse. I’m full of love, yet everyday my fullness increases breath by breath.
Love is what makes up my God. For God is love. Love is aggressive yet comforting, dangerous yet safe, gentle yet fierce, fearless yet fearsome, kind yet bold, brave yet patient, a battle cry yet a soft whisper. He is all and in all. All things hold together in him and through him. He is my first breath and my last. He is my forever outside of days; that starts now. Not only does he give me life, but he is my life. In your eyes you might see my flaws, but in his eyes he sees his son. God is the lion in my heart roaring out my identity and fate. I boldly follow your voice--my king, my father, my brother, my lover, and my friend.

domingo, 2 de diciembre de 2012

“You have no honor!”
(To be read in an old Asian man’s voice)

              There is a battle cry that comes from deep within. But this is the one that has been held in for far too long--one that won’t back down and doesn’t care who hears it. It’s a cry that draws the attention of a man’s enemies. The odds are against him, but it doesn’t matter anymore. For he used to fight to win, but now he fights for something much more glorious. He fights for honor.

             Honor seems like it has been lost, like it is simply something of the past. Honor is good but not necessary for life anymore. Success has been fighting to take honor’s place, and in many peoples’ eyes success is more important. Oh, but await that day when the gaze of the man of honor and the gaze of the man of success meet, and their eyes peer into each other’s souls. There is only one man who breaks eye contact, because he stands on solid-rock character. Yet, the other looks away, knowing he isn’t worthy to even compare his victories with the other.

            The fact that honor has been so lost makes me sad. Honor is a word used often but seldom lived out--like a lost book or work of art that is waiting to be rediscovered. Who will choose the book of honor and brush off the dust? Who is willing to let go of materialism, “easy path-ism”, quantity over quality, impatience, rudeness, irresponsibility, and pride in self that is so highly esteemed by peers?

A man of honor simply puts others before self. Recently, I watched The Last Samurai, and it stirred something deep within me. The samurai have something that I so hunger for--something that is so foreign to my culture, yet a normal way of life for them. The word samurai means “to serve.” To serve in our western culture is looked down upon. Serving makes us think of prisoners, maids, and waiters. I mean, if you get in trouble, our law requires you to do community service. A suitable punishment for doing something wrong is serving others. We have been taught that the weak serve; the strong take. The sympathetic give, and the prideful win. Nice guys finish last, and the bad boy wins. Sadly, a more truthful story is that the bad boy gets divorced and hopefully pays child support.

           For a while, I was going through a ton of things and just feeling darkness all around me. Lies were whispering into my ear and attacking my heart any way they could. At night I said, “God, I so need to hear what you’re saying to me in this moment.”

           The next morning, a friend named Angela came up to me and said, “Breck, I honor and bless you for all of the continuous choices you have made to entrust yourself to Christ. Whether it’s with God providing for your needs, where you sleep, what you eat, or if you eat; you always choose to put your faith on and in Christ. You never complain, though others might be selfish with their excess while you go without. You choose life, faith in the unfailing love of your father (God) and the goodness of God for your life. I believe He will greatly honor you for your choices and the way you have faithfully carried yourself. He will position you in great places, because you live with integrity before Him and come in humility in relationship with others and in your heart postured before Him. He is so pleased with you. Get ready! I bless you with the full measure of all Christ has for you!”

          While she was speaking to me, tears came down my face. I could hear God’s voice intertwined with hers. I was overwhelmed with the honor she was speaking over and into me. Her words were so timely to say the least.

          Lately, when coming upon difficult decisions I find myself asking, “What is the honorable thing
to do?” For I long to live as a man of honor. I leave you with these words:

          “He sat down and summoned the Twelve. ‘So you want first place? Then take the last place. Be the servant of all.’” Mark 9:35, The Message

lunes, 26 de noviembre de 2012

Homeward Bound

The team that set out at the beginning of the trip
With 50 dollars in my pocket, I set out on the biggest adventure (road trip) of my life thus far through Central and South America. After 426 days and 20 countries, I have returned to my homeland! Really, it’s hard for me to take in all that God has done in my life. God isn't some story in a book for me. I have seen Him show up in times of need and at other times just for fun. He is a loving father that takes care of me. He’s shown me that if He invites me to walk with Him, He will make a way for me to walk beside Him. I don't have to figure everything out on my own. He stays besides me and fathers me day and night. Through the times of joy or sorrow, He is forever near. I can’t get away from Him even if I try. He loves me that much. He is love, and He can’t but help but to be love to me. That is Him just being Himself. I have learned more in this last year than the five before it combined. Faith and love have been so carved into me. “The only thing that counts is faith expressing itself through love.” We receive everything in the kingdom of God through faith. And if we don't have love it doesn't matter what we are doing, even with the best of intentions.
Our trail around C.&S. America
What God is to me, I am to become and then be to others. I must follow the same way God loves, forgives, shows patience, doesn't keep record of wrongs, and isn't torn apart by what others see or don't see in Him. He isn't jealous or proud. He doesn't give up on others, but always hopes, always trusts, etc. After what God has shown me, I would be a hypocrite to give anything less to someone else. I find there often is a temptation to be a victim and hold onto the “that person did me wrong” card. If you want to hold onto that, read Matthew 17 and find out what you'll get. When people did Jesus wrong, he didn't act like it never happened. He saw the circumstance for what it was really worth. He confronted it and forgave and then moved on. But you never saw someone doing Jesus wrong and Jesus feeling too hurt and undone to still be love to them. Jesus knew and still knows who he truly is. He knows his identity. If I know mine, then I will be like-minded.
Sleeping while traveling up the amazon river.
And if I sin, my response won’t be condemnation, shame and guilt. Those are three things that never should be a part of a Christian’s life. We will only let those things get on us if we don’t know who we are. When I sin, my response will be something like this: “Father, I’m so sorry for not being who you say I am. Thank you that the old man has died by my faith in you. Thank you that you made my heart pure, or I wouldn’t have even cared that I just did that. Give me a deeper spirit of wisdom and revelation to know you better. I pray that I would have more of a ‘God reality’ step-by-step. If I see you clearly, then I can see myself clearly, and then I’ll see others clearly. Thank you that it’s you doing the work in me. In your name, amen.”
 Ushuaia the city known as the end of the world. 
I have come to know that I’m not just a sinner, but I am a once-lost son who’s been found. Now I’m not trying to stop sinning. I’m just being a son of God. For that’s the image that I was always made in, but I was born into a lie that I was anything else.

Our team gathered at Machu Picchu
“God knew what he was doing from the very beginning. He decided from the outset to shape the lives of those who love him along the same lines as the life of his Son. The Son stands first in the line of humanity he restored. We see the original and intended shape of our lives there in him. After God made that decision of what his children should be like, he followed it up by calling people by name. After he called them by name, he set them on a solid basis with himself. And then, after getting them established, he stayed with them to the end, gloriously completing what he had begun. “

We are made in His image; sin is something we needn’t worry about or even be concerned with. It’s no longer our master. We are free from it and have been restored. To identify with those old ways is just selling yourself short of what Jesus has finished and paid for. If we can see ourselves rightly, then we will love others for who they truly are. We can only give what we have first received. As we believe, we are given a new heart. This new heart loves--with a love that is fierce, aggressive, dangerous, bold, and willing to fight.
The last day with most of the team.

“Abraham entered into what God was doing for him, and that was the turning point. He trusted God to set him right instead of trying to be right on his own.” (Romans 4:3, The Message)

Reread this, but insert your name in place of Abraham’s.

Abraham trusted God just like I put my faith in God to bring me around the world and take care of me. Do the same. Enter into what God is doing for you by trusting Him with your life. Trust me; that will be the turning point of your life.

Peterson, Eugene H.: The Message : The Bible in Contemporary Language. Colorado Springs, Colo. : NavPress, 2002, S. Ro 8:29-30

Peterson, Eugene H.: The Message : The Bible in Contemporary Language. Colorado Springs, Colo. : NavPress, 2002, S. Ro 4:3

miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2012

This is a couple of days before I left hanging with a great friend Andy

Its been 12 months and 17 countries later and I'm still alive. Sharing everything with 30 people out of 4 vehicles is my normal day to day life. I sleep mostly in a sleeping bad and most of the time I have know idea what I will be doing two days ahead of time. I have now been to all of Central America; all but four countries in South America. Looking over the last 12 months I realize how much I have changed. My appearance is really showing that many things are changing on the inside of me. I'm so different from when I started. I'm not the same me.
There are some experiences in life where that day just never goes away. I remember being in Mexico City dump giving out food to the desperately poor workers there. The conditions were seriously bad. In America people wouldn't be allowed to work in such bad/unsafe conditions. I approached a man sitting down. I held out my hand to greet him but he insisted that I shake his forearm. I asked “why?” He said “Because my hands are unclean.” When he said that the words struck my heart. There is so much wisdom in those words. If we are all honest with ourselves all of us have unclean hands. Our hands are dirty. That's why we need Christ to make us clean. 
There has been such extreme contrast on this trip. I have been lost in the amazon jungle close to a tribe that our guide(a local) who is with us just might kill us too and 24 hours later I'm in Lima Peru, sitting in Starbucks eating a freaking good cookie. Then I'm sleeping in a ghetto on a tarp in an open field, and getting woken up by the cops the next morning. That same day staying the night in a three star hotel for free. I have been on bus, taxi, tuk-tuk, train, car, truck, boat, airplane, motorcycle, and motor home.
I want to say thank you for everyone that has supported me while doing missions.
I am thankful for all the prayers, finances, sharing my blog and just encouraging me over this past year. Literally, I couldn't have done this with out you.
One of the most valuable things I have learned is about who I really am. My identity. That I'm made in God's image. Christ is the image of the invisible God. That through sin, I lost my original image and became something I never was suppose to be. Self-centered. But through the Messiah dying on the cross, He didn’t expose my sin but my value. God is love, and my identity is to be the same. Not in need of love for I have been united with God through Christ to become love. If we could use only one word to explain who Christ is it would be love. He is love with a head and 2 arms and legs. There is much more I will expound on at a later time.
Every person asks themselves “Who am I?” For we all know subconsciously that our identity has been lost. “For as a man thinks in his heart, so he is.” Proverbs 23:7. It all starts with believing that is who you truly are. It starts with faith to be the true you...being the image of God ... to be love. 

sábado, 21 de julio de 2012

Love sick for you:   

          My love pours out like malted lava on you. It burns through any wall or defense you have. Nothing can withstand my love. It’s an all-consuming fire. My eyes see all and see down to the soul of a man. I am hungry for all souls to see who I AM. I want you--ALL of you. I'm pursuing you until I have all of you. I pursue you in the wind, rain, in the gentle and the light. Your gaze overwhelms me. I am lovesick for you. Come be lovesick with me. Your eyes are like pure gold. I value you more than my own blood. [Your name], if you would only take me at my word you would see all things are possible. Trust me.... I am in you & you're in me.
           Men chase after power, wealth, sex, and trophies. They will give their lives for those things. I gave my life for theyou within mankind. [Your name], listen…there isn't a moment in a day that I don’t long for your attention. I enjoy you more than you realize or care to know. I'm more for you than you could ever understand. When I say, “I love you” it's more real than life. Out of my desire to love came life. Come delight in me. I always delight in you. I have for all eternity. Don’t you see I want to be in union with you more than you want it with me? That’s why I did all the “work” to make it possible. And I’m still doing all the work…drawing you unto me. Stop working and just receive me. Receive my wooing. Fully receive me. I AM the God after your heart.

jueves, 31 de mayo de 2012

Dear Christian,

For you were called to Freedom...

There is something about sharing your life with a stranger that is freeing. It's an, “I'm comfortable enough with who I am to let others in.” I'm talking about sharing the ugly, dirty and painful moments--of course the good ones also. The moments where you were scared to death but so full of excitement. Like a first kiss. The moments where you have to take the jump and you're not sure where you're going to land or if you'll land at all. I am comfortable enough with who I am to be who I am around you. That means I am free from me. So I am free from you. That is true freedom.

Oftentimes people think freedom means doing whatever you want, but that would just make you a slave to yourself. A slave to desire. That makes you no more free than anyone else. 

How can we get free from the “me”? It's quite simple. We die to the “I” in ourselves. We stop putting the “myself” before everything else. Christ said, “Pick up your cross and follow me.” We people don't really like the thought of dying, let alone dying to ourselves. We have done a great job of making “I” very important in our own little world. We often forget that when Christ says, “Follow me” it means he is leading us somewhere. He is taking his followers to a new place. Imagine a world where everyone put others before him or herself--where there isn't a selfish act because everyone has died to him or herself. We kind of secretly think, Well, what if one selfish person sneaks in and starts taking advantage of everything? The thing is, the only way to get there (Heaven) is by denying yourself, picking up your cross and following Christ. There is no other road to get to that place. Selfish people can't get there. We must deny ourselves and follow Christ, because we don't deserve what he is giving us.

One day, I was traveling from bus to bus, station to station, hostel to hostel, etc. That day, my iPod fell out of my pocket, and my video camera got stolen out of my bag. Losing an iPod during a lifestyle of travel is the 20's version of having kidney stones (okay, maybe a little dramatic). The video camera was $600 gone out the door. I was sitting there thinking poooop. After about five minutes of feeling down about it, I thought, I'm not having a “bad day” because of this. Losing an iPod and getting my video camera stolen isn't going to make me lose my joy or going to steal it from me. My joy isn't found in them. I'm not saying, “I hope I lose everything or have all my stuff stolen.” Don't get me wrong; I really enjoy filming and taking pictures, but not at the cost of it having any control over me.

That is just a small example of dying to self in everyday life. Maybe for you to get free from yourself you have to die to yourself when you're in traffic, when someone says something rude to you, your roommate's a pain, your boss is being unfair, that girl spreads gossip about you, that guy steals the spotlight, etc. Really, the list could go on forever. Until we realize that the only person who can get us mad or irritated is ourselves, we will be slaves to other people. Until we die to ourselves, ourselves will always be holding us back from being free in Christ.

Dying sounds so bad and painful. But that's because our eyes are on the wrong thing. Jesus endured the cross, because it was the joy set before him. When we're not living for self (the flesh) we are then living by the Spirit. When we live by the Spirit, we have the fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. We all should do ourselves a favor and die to ourselves so we can be set free. You're made for living in freedom.

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom. (2 Cor. 3:17)

Jesus died for you to be set free from yourself. When you live for yourself, all you get is yourself.

But I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not carry out the desire of the flesh. For the flesh sets its desire against the Spirit, and the Spirit against the flesh; for these are in opposition to one another, so that you may not do the things that you please. But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under the Law. Now the deeds of the flesh are evident, which are: immorality, impurity, sens

Die hard to Live Free.