domingo, 6 de enero de 2013

Fate, it’s time for you to be revealed to my eyes. I await that point where the stars align and time seems to stop - where nothing is moving except the beat of my heart - completely frozen but completely alive. Single-eyed, everything has become crystal clear. What I thought was far off is near. I’m walking away from fear and into a land of love. Fear is a thing of the
past - just a thought that tries to creep in. It’s like I can almost remember what it was like but can’t quite put my finger on it. It’s like the air surrounding me turned into love, and I can’t help but to breathe it in with every breath. It’s what gives me life, a smile and a laugh. It’s what compels me, gives me vision and purpose. It’s my food and drink.
Love, you have overtaken my heart, and you’re becoming my flesh and bone. If I get cut, I will bleed you. You put the fire in my work and make me explode with joy like a grand finale. You have given me more freedom than any 4th of July. As I march around in this world like a man who just won a war, your banner over me is love. I am love drunk with you. I’m a “love-oholic”, and I’m not going to recover. I’m just going to get worse. I’m full of love, yet everyday my fullness increases breath by breath.
Love is what makes up my God. For God is love. Love is aggressive yet comforting, dangerous yet safe, gentle yet fierce, fearless yet fearsome, kind yet bold, brave yet patient, a battle cry yet a soft whisper. He is all and in all. All things hold together in him and through him. He is my first breath and my last. He is my forever outside of days; that starts now. Not only does he give me life, but he is my life. In your eyes you might see my flaws, but in his eyes he sees his son. God is the lion in my heart roaring out my identity and fate. I boldly follow your voice--my king, my father, my brother, my lover, and my friend.

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