This is a couple of days before I left hanging with a great friend Andy |
Its been 12 months and 17 countries
later and I'm still alive. Sharing everything with 30 people out of 4
vehicles is my normal day to day life. I sleep mostly in a sleeping
bad and most of the time I have know idea what I will be doing two
days ahead of time. I have now been to all of Central America; all
but four countries in South America. Looking over the last 12 months
I realize how much I have changed. My appearance is really showing
that many things are changing on the inside of me. I'm so different
from when I started. I'm not the same me.

There are some experiences in life
where that day just never goes away. I remember being in Mexico City
dump giving out food to the desperately poor workers there. The
conditions were seriously bad. In America people wouldn't be allowed
to work in such bad/unsafe conditions. I approached a man sitting
down. I held out my hand to greet him but he insisted that I shake
his forearm. I asked “why?” He said “Because my hands are
unclean.” When he said that the words struck my heart. There is so
much wisdom in those words. If we are all honest with ourselves all
of us have unclean hands. Our hands are dirty. That's why we need
Christ to make us clean.

There has been such extreme contrast
on this trip. I have been lost in the amazon jungle close to a tribe
that our guide(a local) who is with us just might kill us too and 24
hours later I'm in Lima Peru, sitting in Starbucks eating a freaking
good cookie. Then I'm sleeping in a ghetto on a tarp in an open
field, and getting woken up by the cops the next morning. That same
day staying the night in a three star hotel for free. I have been on
bus, taxi, tuk-tuk, train, car, truck, boat, airplane, motorcycle,
and motor home.
I want to say thank you for everyone
that has supported me while doing missions.
I am thankful for all the prayers,
finances, sharing my blog and just encouraging me over this past
year. Literally, I couldn't have done this with out you.

One of the most valuable things I have
learned is about who I really am. My identity. That I'm made in God's
image. Christ is the image of the invisible God. That through sin, I
lost my original image and became something I never was suppose to
be. Self-centered. But through the Messiah dying on the cross, He
didn’t expose my sin but my value. God is love, and my identity is
to be the same. Not in need of love for I have been united with God
through Christ to become love. If we could use only one word to
explain who Christ is it would be love. He is love with a head and 2
arms and legs. There is much more I will expound on at a later time.

Every person asks themselves “Who am
I?” For we all know subconsciously that our identity has been lost.
“For as a man thinks in his heart, so he is.” Proverbs 23:7. It
all starts with believing that is who you truly are. It starts with
faith to be the true you...being the image of God ... to be love.
Amor Vincit Omnia!