jueves, 29 de marzo de 2012

Cusco Peru
 How on earth did I get to Peru with $50?!

On September 9th I started out on the longest road trip of my life. Starting in Vancouver Washington and driving all the way down to the tip of Chile(going down the west side of South America) and back up the west side of South America to Venezuela. Selling the vehicles there and buying a boat to sail the Caribbean. To finally land in Florida. Currently I am in Lima Peru. How on earth have I made it here with starting with fifty dollars? Only with God's help could this be pulled off.
 I had just got back from Mozambique Africa and God had been speaking to me to join this team doing missions. I really wanted to go but didn't have the money. I had been praying for money and I kept feeling him saying go. I had fifty dollars to my name. Oh he was also telling me to give my car away to a friend. I was telling him that I should trade it in so I could have the money to be able to go on the trip. He disagreed so I gave away my car to my friend. In the back of my mind I was thinking ok when I do that surely that will release financial break through for me.... nope. Two nights before I had to make the choice if I was going or not is one of those moments that I will never forget. I felt like God was saying “I'm not going to give you the money before you leave. That you have to trust me.” I told him that I needed some conformation then because well that's crazy. I was with my Dad he was telling me that he wanted to watch this christian movie called “Faith like potatoes.” I was hesitant to watch it. Most Christian movies are so cheesy and badly made. But I decided to sit down and watch it with him. The movie is based on a true story. By the time it was over it was the conformation I asked for and gave me the faith that I needed to go on this trip. (P.S. I highly recommend watching the movie)
       Our first stop was Redding California were we attended a Bethel church service. The service had started and I found my self standing in a row full of faith for this trip. When I say full of faith I mean about to poop my pants. I saying to myself “What on earth are you doing!” and “You are really dump.. for real.” Fear and doubt had grabbed a hold of my heart and mind. Reasoning with myself that I didn't have a church supporting me and I could count the number of people that said they would support me on one hand. There was a group of my friends there that I could catch a ride with back up to Oregon. No one would think anything less of me. I mean I only had fifty dollars and I tried. God wasn't telling me to try, He was telling me to go. To trust him. I remember praying “Dad(God) what your telling me to do well quite frankly it scares me to death.” and him saying “Breck I'm your father. I will take care of you... I want to give you good things... I know whats best for you. This trip is part of your destiny and will release you into the future that I have for you.” With that all of that the fear and doubt fell off of me. Its was a weird feeling knowing that the choice I was about to make would change the rest of my life. I some how knew if I didn't step out in faith now in this crazy way I would never have the faith later in life. All the stories I have heard of how faithful God has been in other peoples lives, I was about to step out and see for myself if God is faithful or not?

              Around seven months later I find myself in Peru. After going to every country in Central America and a couple in South America thus far. God has worked through other people in giving me money in all kinds of ways. Not going to lie, it hasn't been all rainbow and butterflies. I cant even count how many times my bank account has been zero or I didn’t know were my next meal was going to come from. But God has been faithful to provide my every need. I remember one time(one of many stories) in Nicaragua I didn't have any money for dinner. I was talking with God and really well I was just frustrated. It wasn't so much that I didn’t have food for dinner it was I didn't feel like God was providing for me. I was telling him “God I am ok with going out with a meal. That isn't a big deal. But you said that you will provide for my every need and I don’t feel like your doing that for me.” God was silent. Nothing. Then five minutes later Jessie(team leader) comes to my room and says “Breck I got some pizza for you.” He gave me three big pieces. Later that night once I was alone. Those three pieces of pizza made my shed a tear or two. Not because I love pizza so much. But that I knew God heard me and answered me. That God cares about the little things in my life.
The whole experience has blown me away. It so fills my heart with thankfulness that it's almost overwhelming. Learning I can be content in all things with much or little. Thank all of you that have prayed and given to me. It means more to me than I can express.

            And I know your time and money is valuable and I am honored that you would spend either of them on me.

I am about halfway done. God got me this far and I know he will get me to the finish. I want to take the time to remind you that Im just Breck. You know the guy who grow up in a small towns. That graduated from Scio High School . Even though my mom tells me I'm a special snow flake and close to the greatest thing on earth. I'm just simple ol normal human. What I am saying is if God will do this for me, I know he will do it for YOU. Follow God, go where he leads you into the impossible and watch him make it possible. Believe it or not you can trust God with money.

It really is that simple. And I leave you with this.

God is faithful!

Every step or breath I take screams it. God brought me from America to Peru starting with $50! 


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